Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Back at it!

I have decided to resurrect my study abroad blog. Partly, because I’m quite fond of the alliteration and catchiness of GracerinoGoesGlobal; although I am planning on having many more global endeavors. Partly, because I am preparing to embark on an arguably bigger journey than my trip to Africa. This time I am only travelling 1,551 miles. But, when I arrive I intend to begin an entirely new chapter of my life, and to continue writing it until I feel I am ready for the next. J

For quite some time, thoughts about re-vamping this thing have been floating around in my head. The other day while driving through the rolling hills, watching the sun set on seas of golden corn stalks, I was feeling particularly touched by the beauty of the Midwest. I was basking in the bittersweet-ness of my short month left in Iowa. Simultaneously a feeling of sadness about leaving everything I have come to call home showered upon me, but a stronger, unshakable excitement about my upcoming escapade arose within me. In this moment, I was undoubtedly sure that I should in fact re-vamp my blog!

So, for all of you who have not yet heard my big news, here it is:  I AM MOVING TO SOUTH FLORIDA IN A MONTH!!! When I arrive, I will be taking yacht crew certification classes, returning to Florida Seabase to become a certified Scuba instructor, then working on a privately owned yacht. Upon sharing this news with friends and family, numerous people have replied with something along the lines of “Wow, that is the most grace thing you could do.” It turns out this statement is right on the money! When I began my job search, I spent almost every night for what seems like a month mindlessly scanning through job hub sites, reading descriptions of jobs I didn’t want to do, coming up with various justifications to settle for one of them. One cool summer night, after walking around Iowa City with my good friend Molly, and feeling particularly nostalgic, I had what felt like an epiphany. My next step became crystal clear to me. I knew where I was going and what I was doing, following my heart to one of the places it’s been the fullest.

Today I was reading an article in PADI’s monthly magazine. (PADI is the diving organization I have obtained almost all of my diving certifications through.) The following is a statement I resonated with perfectly. I thought I would share it with all of you, to make my motivation for pursuing a professional trajectory in scuba diving a bit more understandable.

“We do what we do because we fell in love with the aquatic world and its wonderful creatures, so we support global efforts to preserve and restore the oceans’ health. We do what we do to protect marine animals, to participate in efforts to document and protect marine biodiversity. We do it for people and community, to integrate diving with local communities and train them to value, protect, and benefit from healthy marine ecosystems. And we do it for health and wellness, by using diving to heal people physically and psychologically.” –John Kinsella

I realize the path I have chosen is not the most conventional, and if my parents had not become so accustomed to my fierce independence, I am sure they would be worried about me too. But they are not. Nor am I, I am enlivened and ready for whatever comes my way. I am excited because I know there is so much I don’t know about what my future holds. And I realize everything will not always be as peachy as it is now in my romantic, pre-informed projections about what post-grad life in Florida will be like. But having a way to share my thoughts about life, funny stories, and life-changing experiences, with my ginormous fan base (by this I mean my six frequent readers,) makes the potential rough patches slightly less daunting.

While I feel eager to make this move and leave the Midwest behind, (at least for a little while,) I will dearly miss all the people I have met and the relationships I consider myself lucky to have been a part of. Everyone I have come into contact with over the course of my twenty-one years have played some role in shaping the person I have become today. For that, I will be forever grateful. By writing this blog, I will feel connected to you and hope you will to me.

Until next time! Cheers!

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